Source: lib/abr/simple_abr_manager.js

/*! @license
 * Shaka Player
 * Copyright 2016 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0




 * @summary
 * <p>
 * This defines the default ABR manager for the Player.  An instance of this
 * class is used when no ABR manager is given.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The behavior of this class is to take throughput samples using
 * segmentDownloaded to estimate the current network bandwidth.  Then it will
 * use that to choose the streams that best fit the current bandwidth.  It will
 * always pick the highest bandwidth variant it thinks can be played.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * After initial choices are made, this class will call switchCallback() when
 * there is a better choice.  switchCallback() will not be called more than once
 * per ({@link shaka.abr.SimpleAbrManager.SWITCH_INTERVAL_MS}).
 * </p>
 * @implements {shaka.extern.AbrManager}
 * @implements {shaka.util.IReleasable}
 * @export
shaka.abr.SimpleAbrManager = class {
  /** */
  constructor() {
    /** @private {?shaka.extern.AbrManager.SwitchCallback} */
    this.switch_ = null;

    /** @private {boolean} */
    this.enabled_ = false;

    /** @private {shaka.abr.EwmaBandwidthEstimator} */
    this.bandwidthEstimator_ = new shaka.abr.EwmaBandwidthEstimator();

    /** @private {?function():void} */
    this.onNetworkInformationChange_ = null;

    // Some browsers implement the Network Information API, which allows
    // retrieving information about a user's network connection. We listen
    // to the change event to be able to make quick changes in case the type
    // of connectivity changes.
    if (navigator.connection && navigator.connection.addEventListener) {
      this.onNetworkInformationChange_ = () => {
        if (this.enabled_ && this.config_.useNetworkInformation) {
          this.bandwidthEstimator_ = new shaka.abr.EwmaBandwidthEstimator();
          if (this.config_) {
          const chosenVariant = this.chooseVariant();
          if (chosenVariant && navigator.onLine) {
            this.switch_(chosenVariant, this.config_.clearBufferSwitch,

          'change', this.onNetworkInformationChange_);

     * A filtered list of Variants to choose from.
     * @private {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Variant>}
    this.variants_ = [];

    /** @private {number} */
    this.playbackRate_ = 1;

    /** @private {boolean} */
    this.startupComplete_ = false;

     * The last wall-clock time, in milliseconds, when streams were chosen.
     * @private {?number}
    this.lastTimeChosenMs_ = null;

    /** @private {?shaka.extern.AbrConfiguration} */
    this.config_ = null;

    /** @private {HTMLMediaElement} */
    this.mediaElement_ = null;

    /** @private {ResizeObserver} */
    this.resizeObserver_ = null;

    /** @private {shaka.util.Timer} */
    this.resizeObserverTimer_ = new shaka.util.Timer(() => {
      if (this.config_.restrictToElementSize) {
        const chosenVariant = this.chooseVariant();
        if (chosenVariant) {
          this.switch_(chosenVariant, this.config_.clearBufferSwitch,

    /** @private {?shaka.util.CmsdManager} */
    this.cmsdManager_ = null;

   * @override
   * @export
  stop() {
    this.switch_ = null;
    this.enabled_ = false;
    this.variants_ = [];
    this.playbackRate_ = 1;
    this.lastTimeChosenMs_ = null;
    this.mediaElement_ = null;

    if (this.resizeObserver_) {
      this.resizeObserver_ = null;


    this.cmsdManager_ = null;

    // Don't reset |startupComplete_|: if we've left the startup interval, we
    // can start using bandwidth estimates right away after init() is called.

   * @override
   * @export
  release() {
    // stop() should already have been called for unload

    if (navigator.connection && navigator.connection.removeEventListener) {
          'change', this.onNetworkInformationChange_);
      this.onNetworkInformationChange_ = null;

    this.resizeObserverTimer_ = null;

   * @override
   * @export
  init(switchCallback) {
    this.switch_ = switchCallback;

   * @param {boolean=} preferFastSwitching
   * @return {shaka.extern.Variant}
   * @override
   * @export
  chooseVariant(preferFastSwitching = false) {
    let maxHeight = Infinity;
    let maxWidth = Infinity;

    if (this.config_.restrictToScreenSize) {
      const devicePixelRatio =
          this.config_.ignoreDevicePixelRatio ? 1 : window.devicePixelRatio;
      maxHeight = window.screen.height * devicePixelRatio;
      maxWidth = window.screen.width * devicePixelRatio;

    if (this.resizeObserver_ && this.config_.restrictToElementSize) {
      const devicePixelRatio =
          this.config_.ignoreDevicePixelRatio ? 1 : window.devicePixelRatio;
      maxHeight = Math.min(
          maxHeight, this.mediaElement_.clientHeight * devicePixelRatio);
      maxWidth = Math.min(
          maxWidth, this.mediaElement_.clientWidth * devicePixelRatio);

    let normalVariants = this.variants_.filter((variant) => {
      return !shaka.util.StreamUtils.isFastSwitching(variant);
    if (!normalVariants.length) {
      normalVariants = this.variants_;

    let variants = normalVariants;
    if (preferFastSwitching &&
        normalVariants.length != this.variants_.length) {
      variants = this.variants_.filter((variant) => {
        return shaka.util.StreamUtils.isFastSwitching(variant);

    // Get sorted Variants.
    let sortedVariants = this.filterAndSortVariants_(
        this.config_.restrictions, variants,
        /* maxHeight= */ Infinity, /* maxWidth= */ Infinity);

    if (maxHeight != Infinity || maxWidth != Infinity) {
      const resolutions = this.getResolutionList_(sortedVariants);
      for (const resolution of resolutions) {
        if (resolution.height >= maxHeight && resolution.width >= maxWidth) {
          maxHeight = resolution.height;
          maxWidth = resolution.width;

      sortedVariants = this.filterAndSortVariants_(
          this.config_.restrictions, variants, maxHeight, maxWidth);

    const currentBandwidth = this.getBandwidthEstimate();

    if (variants.length && !sortedVariants.length) {
      // If we couldn't meet the ABR restrictions, we should still play
      // something.
      // These restrictions are not "hard" restrictions in the way that
      // top-level or DRM-based restrictions are.  Sort the variants without
      // restrictions and keep just the first (lowest-bandwidth) one.
      shaka.log.warning('No variants met the ABR restrictions. ' +
                        'Choosing a variant by lowest bandwidth.');
      sortedVariants = this.filterAndSortVariants_(
          /* restrictions= */ null, variants,
          /* maxHeight= */ Infinity, /* maxWidth= */ Infinity);
      sortedVariants = [sortedVariants[0]];

    // Start by assuming that we will use the first Stream.
    let chosen = sortedVariants[0] || null;

    for (let i = 0; i < sortedVariants.length; i++) {
      const item = sortedVariants[i];
      const playbackRate =
          !isNaN(this.playbackRate_) ? Math.abs(this.playbackRate_) : 1;
      const itemBandwidth = playbackRate * item.bandwidth;
      const minBandwidth =
          itemBandwidth / this.config_.bandwidthDowngradeTarget;
      let next = {bandwidth: Infinity};
      for (let j = i + 1; j < sortedVariants.length; j++) {
        if (item.bandwidth != sortedVariants[j].bandwidth) {
          next = sortedVariants[j];
      const nextBandwidth = playbackRate * next.bandwidth;
      const maxBandwidth = nextBandwidth / this.config_.bandwidthUpgradeTarget;
      shaka.log.v2('Bandwidth ranges:',
          (itemBandwidth / 1e6).toFixed(3),
          (minBandwidth / 1e6).toFixed(3),
          (maxBandwidth / 1e6).toFixed(3));

      if (currentBandwidth >= minBandwidth &&
          currentBandwidth <= maxBandwidth &&
          chosen.bandwidth != item.bandwidth) {
        chosen = item;

    this.lastTimeChosenMs_ =;
    return chosen;

   * @override
   * @export
  enable() {
    this.enabled_ = true;

   * @override
   * @export
  disable() {
    this.enabled_ = false;

   * @override
   * @export
  segmentDownloaded(deltaTimeMs, numBytes, allowSwitch) {
    shaka.log.v2('Segment downloaded:',
        'deltaTimeMs=' + deltaTimeMs,
        'numBytes=' + numBytes,
        'lastTimeChosenMs=' + this.lastTimeChosenMs_,
        'enabled=' + this.enabled_);
    goog.asserts.assert(deltaTimeMs >= 0, 'expected a non-negative duration');
    this.bandwidthEstimator_.sample(deltaTimeMs, numBytes);

    if (allowSwitch && (this.lastTimeChosenMs_ != null) && this.enabled_) {

   * @override
   * @export
  getBandwidthEstimate() {
    const defaultBandwidthEstimate = this.getDefaultBandwidth_();
    const bandwidthEstimate = this.bandwidthEstimator_.getBandwidthEstimate(
    if (this.cmsdManager_) {
      return this.cmsdManager_.getBandwidthEstimate(bandwidthEstimate);
    return bandwidthEstimate;

   * @override
   * @export
  setVariants(variants) {
    this.variants_ = variants;

   * @override
   * @export
  playbackRateChanged(rate) {
    this.playbackRate_ = rate;

   * @override
   * @export
  setMediaElement(mediaElement) {
    this.mediaElement_ = mediaElement;
    if (this.resizeObserver_) {
      this.resizeObserver_ = null;
    if (this.mediaElement_ && 'ResizeObserver' in window) {
      this.resizeObserver_ = new ResizeObserver(() => {
        const SimpleAbrManager = shaka.abr.SimpleAbrManager;
        // Batch up resize changes before checking them.
            /* seconds= */ SimpleAbrManager.RESIZE_OBSERVER_BATCH_TIME);

   * @override
   * @export
  setCmsdManager(cmsdManager) {
    this.cmsdManager_ = cmsdManager;

   * @override
   * @export
  configure(config) {
    this.config_ = config;
    if (this.bandwidthEstimator_ && this.config_) {

   * Calls switch_() with the variant chosen by chooseVariant().
   * @private
  suggestStreams_() {
    shaka.log.v2('Suggesting Streams...');
    goog.asserts.assert(this.lastTimeChosenMs_ != null,
        'lastTimeChosenMs_ should not be null');

    if (!this.startupComplete_) {
      // Check if we've got enough data yet.
      if (!this.bandwidthEstimator_.hasGoodEstimate()) {
        shaka.log.v2('Still waiting for a good estimate...');
      this.startupComplete_ = true;
    } else {
      // Check if we've left the switch interval.
      const now =;
      const delta = now - this.lastTimeChosenMs_;
      if (delta < this.config_.switchInterval * 1000) {
        shaka.log.v2('Still within switch interval...');

    const chosenVariant = this.chooseVariant();
    const bandwidthEstimate = this.getBandwidthEstimate();
    const currentBandwidthKbps = Math.round(bandwidthEstimate / 1000.0);

    if (chosenVariant) {
          'Calling switch_(), bandwidth=' + currentBandwidthKbps + ' kbps');
      // If any of these chosen streams are already chosen, Player will filter
      // them out before passing the choices on to StreamingEngine.
      this.switch_(chosenVariant, this.config_.clearBufferSwitch,

   * @private
  getDefaultBandwidth_() {
    let defaultBandwidthEstimate = this.config_.defaultBandwidthEstimate;

    // Some browsers implement the Network Information API, which allows
    // retrieving information about a user's network connection.  Tizen 3 has
    // NetworkInformation, but not the downlink attribute.
    if (navigator.connection && navigator.connection.downlink &&
        this.config_.useNetworkInformation) {
      // If it's available, get the bandwidth estimate from the browser (in
      // megabits per second) and use it as defaultBandwidthEstimate.
      defaultBandwidthEstimate = navigator.connection.downlink * 1e6;
    return defaultBandwidthEstimate;

   * @param {?shaka.extern.Restrictions} restrictions
   * @param {!Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
   * @param {!number} maxHeight
   * @param {!number} maxWidth
   * @return {!Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variants filtered according to
   *   |restrictions| and sorted in ascending order of bandwidth.
   * @private
  filterAndSortVariants_(restrictions, variants, maxHeight, maxWidth) {
    if (this.cmsdManager_) {
      const maxBitrate = this.cmsdManager_.getMaxBitrate();
      if (maxBitrate) {
        variants = variants.filter((variant) => {
          if (!variant.bandwidth || !maxBitrate) {
            return true;
          return variant.bandwidth <= maxBitrate;

    if (restrictions) {
      variants = variants.filter((variant) => {
        // This was already checked in another scope, but the compiler doesn't
        // seem to understand that.
        goog.asserts.assert(restrictions, 'Restrictions should exist!');

        return shaka.util.StreamUtils.meetsRestrictions(
            variant, restrictions,
            /* maxHwRes= */ {width: maxWidth, height: maxHeight});

    return variants.sort((v1, v2) => {
      return v1.bandwidth - v2.bandwidth;

   * @param {!Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
   * @return {!Array.<{height: number, width: number}>}
   * @private
  getResolutionList_(variants) {
    const resolutions = [];
    for (const variant of variants) {
      const video =;
      if (!video || !video.height || !video.width) {
        height: video.height,
        width: video.width,

    return resolutions.sort((v1, v2) => {
      return v1.width - v2.width;

 * The amount of time, in seconds, we wait to batch up rapid resize changes.
 * This allows us to avoid multiple resize events in most cases.
 * @type {number}
shaka.abr.SimpleAbrManager.RESIZE_OBSERVER_BATCH_TIME = 1;